Friday, August 25, 2006

We3: Lost and Found

Grant Morisson, Writer and Frank Quietly, Artist

Morrison and Quietly brought a world of changes in the X-men. They created Xavier’s ultimate nemesis, demolished the S’hiar empire, erased Genosha from the map, ended Scott and Jean’s marriage, gave Emma Frost a secondary mutation and was made a core member of the X-men plus a teen-age pregnancy storyline on the side. I had high expectations with the sci-fi We3.

A talking dog, cat and rabbit. Nothing new.

Make them super soldiers that could obliterate an army. Cool but then again, nothing new.

They escape and they try to find their way home. I think there was a movie…

Half-way through I sat up and the roll of tissue paper never left my side. In three chapters, I was chuckling, crying, and horrified. These animals were built to kill. They in fact killed a lot of soldiers and two innocent people on their way “home” – in excellent gruesome detail that you can only find in comics with the label “for mature readers.” But I was rooting for the animals who were just being true to their nature – the dog wanted affirmation from humans, the cat wanted to just be free from stinking bosses, and the rabbit, well it just wanted to have enough to eat. Put these all together and you have we have what we human beings also want in life and We3 was mostly about being disappointed over and over again despite doing everything right.

Favorite character: Turned out to be the cat – practical, realistic, and loyal.

Favorite Scene: The “lost” posters made by the owners of the animals and the panel where the animals were running for the cover of trees while helicopters were in pursuit and the cat said, “We3 No Home Now.”

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